Friday, April 1, 2011

Konsert Rock 4 Right in Penang ! 2 April

Penang to host 'Rock 4 Rights' concert on April 2

Published on 29 March 2011 at malaysiakini

The Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee (BCCLC) is organising a 12-hour non-stop concert and carnival in Penang this Saturday, April 2.

Dubbed 'Rock 4 Rights', the event is organised in partnership with local indie arts community Frinjan and Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM), a people's movement.

Supported by Yes, the world's first nationwide converged 4G service company, and popular online daily Malaysiakini, the carnival will be officially opened by Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy at 8pm at Fort Cornwallis.

BCCLC chairperson Syahredzan Johan said through this unique initiative, the committee hopes to raise awareness on the concept of elections and democracy to local artists and youths aged between 18 to 35.

“It also hopes to increase participation of youths in the Malaysian political process through voter registration drives during the concert and related events,” added Syahredzan.

“(We also hope to gain) greater media coverage and publicity on issues pertaining to the federal constitution,” he said in a statement.

A total of 18 bands including those who performed for the Radio Demokratika and Bangkit albums produced by SABM and Frinjan, will belt out several songs.

The albums are written and performed by local independent bands, featuring songs with messages on human rights, democracy and constitutionalism.

nurul izzah at fund-raising dinner for lembah pantai pkr playing the guitar 2

'Special appearances' by local bands - Bittersweet and Couple - and PKR vice president and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar (right in picture), are expected to be the highlight of the day.

Other events include performance arts, film screening, sales of art and crafts by local artisans, counters for festival memorabilia, CDs by the performing artists and voter registration booths.

“Unregistered eligible voters are strongly encouraged to register at the voter registration booths,” urged Syahredzan.

Since the inaugural launch of the MyConstitution Campaign on Nov 13, 2009, the committee has launched eight out of nine phases of the campaign over the last 18 months.

It will launch its final phase at the Saturday event, where each phase has featured a specific theme from the federal constitution.

AYUH ANAK Padang Kota Lama ESOK...


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