Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taib Mahmud :SPRM digesa siasat skandal rasuah Taib Mahmud dan keluarganya - MCLM

Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) president Haris Ibrahim’s call for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate the corruption claims comes on the heels of impending polls in Sarawak, likely by the end of April.

Taib is also the president of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), which is part of the ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional (BN).

A strong win in Sarawak could boost the prime minister’s confidence to call a snap general election. National polls are only due in 2013.

The MCLM’s call today also follows the netting of two former MCA leaders, Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, over their alleged roles in the ongoing Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) corruption scandal.

“For years, the alternative media has been highlighting claims of corruption involving Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and yet there is no one single concrete initiative by the federal and state governments or by then ACA and present MACC to investigate the matter.

“Taib has been accused of milking Sarawak’s wealth at the expense of its people by abusing his positions as finance minister and chief minister to make sure that almost all state contracts go to companies that he and his family own,” Haris said in a statement.

He said that while these claims have been highlighted by local and international news outlets, as well as blogs and the newly set up Radio Free Sarawak (RFS), Malaysian authorities have chosen not to do anything about it.

The London-based RFS, which is operated by Sarawak-born Clare Rewcastle Brown, is particularly critical of Taib, and has been using the Internet and radio as avenues to reveal damaging exposes on the strongman’s alleged corrupt practices.

An in-law to former British prime minister Gordon Brown, Rewcastle Brown along with Dayak tribesman known as Peter John Jaban, or “Papa Orang Utan”, have run a number of pieces to “expose the alleged corruption of Abdul Taib, who has ruled over Sarawak for 30 years”.

Today, Haris said the MCLM was also demanding that Taib respond to the claims of corruption to clear his name and that of his family.


Kempen sudah bermula di Sarawak....PRN Sarawak oleh MCLM

SPRM digesa SIASAT SKANDAL Taib Mahmud dan keluarganya yang punggah duit rakyat Sarawak...

Kita minta Taib Mahmud JAWAB semua tuduhan skandal rasuahnya

dan SPRM siasat secara telus dakwaan terbabit !...

Sarawakian ! Bangkit soal dan tanya KEKAYAAN GILA TAIB MAHMUD !

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