Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wajah sebenar FELDA yang menipu Melayu(manipulasi gred harga kelapa sawit)

JOHOR BARU: The High Court yesterday dismissed an application for arbitration by Felda (Federal Land Development Authority) and an oil palm processing factory in a writ of summons by 645 settlers from Felda Moakil, Labis.

Settlers offering prayers of gratitude at the court in Johor Baru yesterday. — NST picture by Roslan Khamis
Settlers offering prayers of gratitude at the court in Johor Baru yesterday. — NST picture by Roslan Khamis

High Court judge Datuk Zakiah Kassim dismissed with costs an application by Felda and Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd, which runs the factory, to suspend the writ.

Zakiah, who delivered her decision in chambers, said the court was of the opinion that the application from Felda did not fulfil the legal requirement for it to be referred for arbitration.

The court agreed that the settlers' claims were related to the manipulation of oil palm grading, which was outside the jurisdiction under the Arbitration Act 2005.

It also held that the factory, Felda Palm Industries, was a separate legal entity and was not party to the previous agreement between the appellant and Felda.

In their writ of summons filed on June 16 last year, the settlers claimed that Felda and the factory had manipulated the grading system of oil palm that resulted in losses on their part.

The Felda settlers had sold their oil palm fruit to the factory.

They are claiming RM80 million in compensation for losses incurred during a duration of 17 years.

Fourteen busloads of 700 Felda Moakil settlers involved in the case and their family members were present at the court compound.

*** Inilah wajah sebenar FELDA yang berterusan menipu orang Melayu miskin luar bandar. Bila PRK, mereka datang dengan UMNO menabur wang untuk beli undi dan kononnya selesai masalah.Tetapi masalah penipuan dan khianat amanah ini seolah tidak selesai dan kini ia belaku di Johor( kubu kuat UMNO).

Mana dia pemimpin UMNO Johor? ni nasih Melayu kampung yang ditipu hidup2 ...

FELDA -pengkhianat amanah orang Melayu !

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